Audiobooks now available for our titles

Our Authors

K L Crear

Coleen Greenwood
Dont just take our work for it!
Playing With Fire
Could not put it down. To think there are people like that out there is frightening, but great to read a story of a strong woman who refused to be a victim. Such a well written and interesting book. It is about a man with no morals who led a double life to scam Coleen and her whole family. He even pretended to be a firefighter, turned up in the outfit smelling of smoke, although he had been nowhere near a fire station and was not a firefighter. He scammed the sister out of her life savings and pretended to have the “snip’ then Coleen got pregnant. It is a real page turner, I highly recommend. The police said they had never seen anything like it. Should be a TV series.
Healing From the Burns
This is an excellent follow up to the first book “playing with fire”. Its a true story of how, two amazingly strong women have managed to rebuild their lives after suffering through traumatic years a the hands of a con artist. The books shows their strength and determination. The books are well written and easy to read, once you start you cant put it down.
Mrs M C Pounder
Playing with Fire
I had been looking forward to reading Coleen’s book for some time, and I was glad I eventually got round to reading it. It is well written, keeps on topic, and accounts a very scary reality that Coleen had to face.
The book gripped me from page 1, and quickly becomes a page turner that you cannot put down. The reality that Coleen faced is unimaginable, she is a strong, candid and practical women, who left no stone unturned in her bid to discover the truth, alongside her dear sister Karen, and the remarkable and dependable Ryan. This is a story that will leave an impact on you. My best wishes go out to Coleen & Karen, and the family and friends that surround you. Thank you for sharing your incredible story with us!
Healing from the Burns
I’ve just finished reading Healing From The Burns. The afternoon just vanished as I couldn’t put the book down! Wow is all I can say to the lengths this man went to! Well done ladies, you both deserve the best life now!